Your life is not ruined

I got a text from my 10 year old niece asking me what ruined my life. My first reaction to this question was where did this come from? Why would my niece think my life was ruined? As I thought further on the question and how to respond, I came to the conclusion that she was being picked on by one of her sisters telling them that she ruined their life and that my brother told her that little sisters ruin everyone’s life – and told her to ask me.

No matter where you are in your life it is not ruined. You have the ability to change yourself, to change how you look at things and to take control of your future. You may have certain circumstances that you are in that you can’t change, but you can change how you respond to those circumstances. I know in a lot of cases it is not easy to do and sometimes your old habits creep back in, but with God, you can do it. By being faithful and trusting the Lord that he will see you through you can take the steps necessary to be the person God intended you to be. Pick a goal, work towards that goal and don’t worry about setbacks – keep moving. There will always be times when you get discouraged, but don’t let those times grab onto you too tightly or hold on for too long. Keep praying and stay positive and looking forward.

So how did I answer my niece, I told her my life wasn’t ruined it was great and the fact that I had a fantastic almost 11 year old niece keeping things interesting made it even better.