Many of us would agree that life is complicated. It may seem like a balancing act to get everything done, and day to day activities may be overwhelming. We have complicated our lives with looking at screens instead of real people and becoming obsessed with material possessions. We connect happiness with getting a new gadget and are not happy until we do. When we do get that gadget, the feeling quickly dissipates and we are off to acquire a new “fix”.
Everything in our lives takes up space. Whether it’s mental, physical or time spent, we only have so much room. Everyone you spend time with, every activity you participate in and all your possessions costs you something. God doesn’t want us running around in circles; He wants to help us remove the clutter in our homes, lives and mind. We need to ask Him for help and then allow Him to help us. We need to be honest with ourselves as to whether the priorities we are setting, the resources we are spending and the benefits we are gaining are what is right for the life God has planned for us.
There is no better time than now to think about how to simplify your life. Simplification is a journey and is never easy. It involves identifying what is important to you and eliminating non-essentials.
Make room for your inner voice and build a relationship with this voice. Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to pray and meditate on a regular basis. Silence can teach us the value of quiet contemplation. Make time for moments of silence and stillness as much as you can; even 10 minutes will help. Pray everyday, thank the Lord and resolve to grow spiritually.
As we cut our distractions and grow spiritually, we slowly encounter the keys to peace, joy and fulfillment.