As we grow in faith, our ability to recognize God’s desires for our lives increases. The closer we listen, the clearer we can hear those things He is asking us to do. Some of these things may be very easy and take no effort at all, but some will take us out of our comfort zones. Being obedient to His will is essential in continuing to grow closer to Him.
God made you and He alone knows the plans He has for you. If you don’t take the first step in that plan how can you ever achieve the things He wants you to achieve? You can want to make a cake, you can mix up all the ingredients to make a cake, you can put it in the oven, but if you don’t turn the oven on you are never going to have a cake.
Saint Catherine of Siena at one point in her spiritual development had withdrawn so much into her prayer life that she begged God not to make her eat dinner with her family. She wanted to stay with Him, but He had great plans for her and she would bring many souls to Him and she couldn’t do it from her room. He asked her to go and her obedience to Him made her go.
Sometimes it is scary doing the things God asks you to do. Sometimes you may find yourself not wanting to do what He asks because you don’t know how it will be received by others. You may even find yourself rationalizing all the reasons you shouldn’t do something and all the problems that may come up.
In order to grow closer to God, we have to trust that He will not leave us alone. We need to have patience. Even if what He asked us to do caused some negative consequences, good will come from it. God is in control. If He is asking you to do something, be secure in the fact that He is with you and He knows the outcome. Taking a step of faith is sometimes a hard thing to do, but if God wants you to do it, He is going to take care of all the problems that may arise.
Just like Saint Catherine, all she had to do was go down and sit with her family. Looking back on her life, I think this was a very important training exercise for her. She needed to learn to be comfortable in her faith and in her convictions. If she couldn’t sit at the kitchen table with her family and overcome their objections to the little that she ate, how was she going to do all the things she eventually did for God?
God didn’t show her all the things she was someday going to do. If He had she may have never come out of the room. Trust in God, be dedicated to Him and follow His direction, you will not regret it.